April 22-23, 2025 | Gateway Hotel and Conference Center | Ames, IA

Deb Socia recently retired as the President and CEO of The Enterprise Center, a nonprofit that nurtures innovation in Chattanooga, working to connect people to resources and build an inclusive community. She is now a leadership development consultant and volunteers on several boards and advisory committees.

Dr. Christopher Ali, nationally-recognized expert on broadband deployment, policy and planning, is the Pioneers Chair in Telecommunications and Professor of Telecommunications in the Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State University. He is the author of the book Farm Fresh Broadband: The politics of rural connectivity.
Your organization is facing new realities. AI adoption looms ahead. Cybersecurity needs are escalating. Digital adoption’s future is uncertain. Meet, talk with, and learn from fellow members, peers, and experts across three tracks:
Funding uncertainty, new deployment options, and rapidly evolving technology - how are you navigating? Learn what's working for providers and in communities that share your challenges and goals.
Open Access Fiber Networks: Many Models, One Goal
Open access networks are gaining in popularity, extending the reach of providers and fostering new partnership models. Learn from experts about different approaches to open access network development.
- Moderator: Kimberly McKinley with TAK Communications
- SEEKING PANELISTS (Click to learn more)
New Kids on the Community Fiber Block - Fort Dodge & Waterloo, IA
In keeping with IAMU’s proud tradition, hear from two Iowa communities bringing fiber to the door and offering world-class service in their own hometowns.
- Moderator: Curtis Dean, CBAN Co-founder and Executive Director
- Panelists: Eric Lage, Waterloo Fiber; Jeremy Pearson, Fort Dodge Fiber; Todd Kielkopf, KAS
Leveraging OSS/BSS In A Rapidly Changing Environment
Operating and Business Support Systems are critical to provider success, and they’re innovating at a rapid rate. With more shared data, more integrations and changing security standards, providers have many new opportunities - and risks. This practical session will help you build a comprehensive evaluation framework that aligns with your organization's unique needs and growth objectives, covering essential criteria from integration capabilities and scalability to total cost of ownership and customer experience impact.
- Presented by: Ben Stineman, FuseTechnic
Advanced Wireless Options for Broadband Access
Next-generation fixed wireless is a valuable tool for broadband service providers to bridge the digital divide in underserved communities. During this session, panelists will examine the evolution from legacy fixed wireless solutions, discussing their historical constraints and how modern innovations are overcoming traditional barriers to deployment.
- Moderator: Hongwei Zhang, ARA Wireless Living Lab, Iowa State University
- SEEKING PANELISTS (Click to learn more)

Practical advice on AI integration and cybersecurity improvements that make sense for community broadband operations.
AI for Cities and Utilities
“Smart” isn’t just for big cities. Rapid advances in AI technologies have brought the possibility of “smart towns” into the realm of reality. Learn how your community could benefit from new tools - and new ways of thinking.
- Presented by Aaron Santos, Nanobiologist, Simpson College Visiting Professor;
- Todd Kielkopf, CBAN Co-Founder and President of KAS.
The Coming of Distributed Data Centers
AI’s unquenchable appetite for energy and computing power presents interesting opportunities for energy-rich communities, especially in less populated areas. But for how long? Understand the risks and potential rewards of a data center in your community.
Cybersecurity In These Times
As a provider, you can’t control how your customers use the internet or who attempts to hijack your network. But you can control the strength of your security. Learn about the biggest security threats facing providers today, and walk away with practical guidance for ensuring your network is safe.
Sustainable approaches to digital empowerment that strengthen both community access and your customer base.
AI for Community Coalition Building
Regardless of how digital inclusion work is or isn’t funded, the work remains - and coalitions will be instrumental to the success of both new and ongoing programs to close the digital divide. Can AI help coalitions be more effective and address concerns around trust, bias, and accountability?
- Moderator: Jon Willow, CBAN Co-Founder and MSU REI Innovation Fellow
- SEEKING PANELISTS (Click to learn more)
Device Programs: Boosting Trust, Competence - And Providers’ Bottom Lines
Census data shows a strong link between home computer ownership and higher income levels. Ensuring access to a capable computing device is within reach for most communities - and providers can play a key role, too. Gain insights from field experts and providers offering devices in their communities.
TBD: Legislative/Policy Update
In a rapidly shifting policy climate, uncertainty abounds for broadband providers and communities striving to close the digital divide. The goal for this session is to gather policy experts to give an update on all things broadband and digital equity, and how current and new factors will impact providers, communities, and advocates.
Whether you're building or running a broadband network, leading in a community, or working for digital empowerment, you'll walk away with new ideas and solutions for today's challenges. No fluff - just practical strategies that work.