Broadband Advocate Membership

For everyone championing better broadband access

As an Advocate Member, you gain tools and knowledge to effectively support broadband improvement in your community. This free membership empowers you to make informed contributions to local broadband discussions and initiatives.

Educational Resources

Access clear, comprehensive information about broadband technology, policy, and deployment strategies. This knowledge helps you participate more effectively in local broadband discussions and decision-making processes.

Community Connection

Join a network of other broadband advocates who share your commitment to improving internet access. Learn from their experiences and share strategies for building support for broadband initiatives.

Strategic Guidance

Understand different approaches to improving broadband access, affordability, and adoption. Learn how to evaluate options and advocate for solutions that best serve your community's needs.

Regular Updates

Stay informed about broadband developments through CBAN's newsletter and podcast. Understanding current trends and opportunities helps you advocate more effectively for your community's interests.

Voice Amplification

Participate in a larger movement for better broadband access. Your membership helps strengthen the collective voice for community-based broadband solutions.

Advocate membership is free and in effect until cancelled.

CBAN members are not members of the 501(c)(4) nonprofit, Community Broadband Action Network Corp., and have no voting or class rights. Your participation indirectly supports CBAN Corp.’s nonprofit activities.